The Symptoms and Causes of Gingivitis – Explained


Gingivitis is a gum disease that develops when plaque, a bacterially-filled sticky film usually present on teeth, builds up and inflames the gum tissue around the teeth. Toxins produced by plaque irritate the gums. It may result in gum swelling, gums turning red and inflamed, or gum bleeding.

In addition to contributing to gingivitis, the dangerous plaque bacteria can also weaken tooth enamel. Even when brushing frequently, paying attention to your gum line is crucial.

Symptoms of Gingivitis

Gingivitis doesn’t usually cause pain. Due to this, many people don’t know they have it. That is why it’s critical to visit your dentist and hygienist regularly for check-ups and know what causes gingivitis.

Here are some of the possible symptoms of gingivitis:

  • Gum swelling and red gums.
  • Sore gums that persist.
  • Bleeding gums, especially after brushing or flossing.
  • Persistent bad breath due to millions of bacteria in the plaque that produce foul-smelling waste products.
  • Loose teeth or any changes in the way teeth fit. 
  • Tooth pain or sensitivity as gums start to pull away from teeth, and teeth are exposed, becoming sensitive to cold and hot foods or beverages.

What Causes Gingivitis?

Knowing about gingivitis causes is crucial because many factors play a role in increasing your risk of gingivitis. You are required to pay added attention to your teeth and regularly visit your dentist to find out what you can do to maintain your oral health. 

The following are some of the gingivitis causes: 

  1. Poor oral hygiene: When you don’t take care of your oral hygiene and don’t brush or floss regularly, it is one of the significant causes of gingivitis. But it’s easily avoidable. 
  2. Incomplete plaque removal: Even though the plaque on your teeth has been cleaned, you can still not eliminate the plaque that is found along the gum line. Make sure to floss and find good toothpaste frequently.
  3. Smoking: Tobacco use or smoking is another risk factor associated with gum disease. Studies have found that smokers are seven times more likely to get gum disease as compared to non-smokers. It can also lower any chances of successful treatment.
  4. Stress: Another major cause of gingivitis is stress. Your immune system can get weakened by constant stress, which will make it harder for you to battle infections like gum disease.
  5. Hormonal changes: Gingivitis can also result from hormonal changes during puberty, monthly menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. During these physiological changes, take additional care of your teeth and gums to prevent gum disease.
  6. Certain medications: Medications can also affect your oral health. So, consult your dentist before taking any medications, whether prescription or over-the-counter.
  7. Chronic diseases: Diseases such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, etc., are chronic diseases that can impair your body’s ability to fight infections like gingivitis. 
  8. Poor nutrition: Poor nutrition can deprive your body of essential nutrients, making it challenging for the body to fight gingivitis and other infections.

Gingivitis Treatment in Aspendale Gardens 

Getting rid of plaque is the actual key to treating and avoiding gingivitis. Early identification and diagnosis are critical to the most effective treatment. 

Aspendale Gardens Dentists can help you care for your oral health and prevent infections like gingivitis. Schedule an appointment today.

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