You want your baby to meet each age-appropriate developmental milestone. And strong baby teeth are necessary for your child to learn how to chew solid foods, speak, and smile.
One of the most standard questions we get asked by parents is how important baby teeth are. They fall out anyway, so do they matter?
And the answer is ‘Yes.’ The foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth is laid in the early years as permanent teeth grow inside the jaw under the baby teeth. Studies have found that early in life, a proper oral hygiene routine is crucial to set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth.
Children usually look up to their parents as role models in many aspects of their life, and oral hygiene is undoubtedly one of them. You, as a parent, can play an essential role in helping your child develop a proper oral hygiene routine.
Importance of the Primary Dentition
Baby teeth typically develop between 6 months to 3 years of age. However, the enamel in baby teeth is less mineralized and, therefore, not as strong as in adult teeth. It makes baby teeth more susceptible to decay.
Healthy baby teeth are necessary for several purposes, from chewing and, therefore, good nutrition to talking and helping with self-esteem issues. They also help facilitate adult teeth to come into the correct position in later life.
When your kid loses a baby tooth too early due to decay, poor oral hygiene, or trauma, the permanent tooth that comes in will be misaligned. It ends up making it hard for the rest of the teeth to line up correctly and could cause bite problems. If your child’s teeth become crooked or crowded, they’ll need braces to correct issues.
Therefore, it is crucial to establish a proper oral care routine early on in life. For establishing a good oral hygiene routine, it’s essential to teach and supervise your children as they brush and floss.
You also need to help them minimize the amount of sugar consumed, which can damage teeth when taken over prolonged periods. It will eventually help set the foundation for developing healthy and strong permanent teeth.
Role of Parents
Experts recommend that parents brush their child’s teeth till two years and supervise their child’s toothbrushing till around 10. The fact is that most children only have the necessary manual dexterity to brush correctly at that age. Even if they do, they may be hurrying and need to do it properly. It may seem like an unnecessary age to be watching your child brush, but it is true.
Using some of the ideas, we shared on making brushing and flossing fun for your kids in the past couple of weeks. You can make this a necessary and not too tiresome chore so your kids can “Live Mouth Smart.”
Dental Checkups in Aspendale Gardens, VIC, Australia
You can contact Aspendale Gardens Dental Care anytime if you need more information or help to improve your child’s oral health. Our team of highly experienced children dentists can do regular dental checkups, examine the oral hygiene of your child, and offer help and treatments accordingly.