Emergency Dental Service in Aspendale

Trusted and Reliable Emergency Dental Treatments

Dental emergencies can happen at the worst possible time. Therefore, when dealing with an emergency dental situation, it is essential to seek medical assistance fast to avoid symptoms worsening. At Aspendale Gardens Dental Care, we pride ourselves on being a go-to emergency dental service in Aspendale for various situations and complications.

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?

  • Do you suffer from a chronic toothache that doesn’t go away with painkillers or cold compresses?
  • Did you bite down on something too hard, and now you have a broken or chipped tooth?
  • Is one of your crowns or bridges lost or damaged due to an injury or infection?
  • Is one of your metal wires or brackets from the braces loose and pokes your gums and cheeks?
  • Do you experience severe pain and bleeding after tooth removal?
Dental Emergency

At Aspendale Gardens Dental Care, we consider each of these situations a dental emergency and recommend patients visit our clinic as soon as possible for appropriate treatment. Our dentists will thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, and jaw to determine the cause of pain and recommend a suitable therapy. We have experience dealing with various dental emergencies and can handle any situation, no matter how complex it looks.

Frequently Asked Questions

When patients deal with dental emergencies, we recommend visiting a dental specialist as soon as possible. Receiving prompt care is essential in dealing with a loose crown or broken teeth. If you get medical assistance within an hour, it might be possible for your dentist to put it back in place and send you home with a smile on your face.

We will also share valuable tips to help you deal with dental emergencies at home before visiting our clinic.

You should never try to remove a broken or infected tooth yourself, as you might cause severe damage to your mouth. Instead, before you call us for an emergency dental service in Aspendale, try putting a gauze around the tooth or cold compress from the outside to relieve pain and minimize ache.

Once you come to our dental clinic, we will thoroughly examine the tooth and extract it carefully. If possible, we can try and save your tooth.

While a dental emergency can happen to anyone, there are a few ways to ensure you’re less likely to experience one yourself.

At Aspendale Gardens Dental Care, we recommend patients brush their teeth at least twice a day for two minutes and decrease the amount of sugar consumed to prevent decay and cavities. Make sure to book regular checkups and cleanings to ensure there are no issues with your oral health. In addition, we advise patients to visit their dentist every six weeks to avoid frequent dental emergencies.

Need to See an Emergency Dentist in Aspendale?

Contact Aspendale Gardens Dental Care as soon as possible if you experience sharp pain in your teeth or deal with a gum infection. Book an emergency dental service in Aspendale at 03 9580 3200 and get appropriate treatment.